Friday, November 11, 2011

He Sings Over You....

"The LORD your God is with you, He is mighty to save. 
He will take great delight in you, 
He will quiet you with His love,
 He will rejoice over you with singing."
Zephaniah 3:17 (NIV)

I needed this verse today. As most of you are aware, this has been a difficult and eventful year for my family. And I am so grateful for the grace God has shown us in the midst of these hard times. 

Last night was kind of a mixed bag of emotions. I was at choir rehearsal getting ready for Sunday services. Geron & Becky Davis are our guests this weekend and he was teaching us some new songs. It was a good night. It was a fun night. But somewhere in the midst of it my emotions overcame me. 

I was missing Momma .... 
I just really wanted to talk to her. 

At the end of rehearsal, Geron read to us some lyrics to a new song he was writing, and I really began to wonder if he had been following me around all year. I had a chance to speak to him after rehearsal and told him he needed to put music to it quickly so we could sing it. He reminded me that while we don't see the big picture, God does. And while I may not understand why we have faced all the challenges we have this year, God is faithful. 

This morning I woke up really early and my mind was running (as our minds so easily can do at 4am). And I found this verse...Zephaniah 3:17. I am so glad God's word is alive and active. Because it was what I needed .... today!

"The LORD your God is with you, He is mighty to save..." He hasn't left me to face these challenges alone. He is my Father and I can run to Him. He has a plan, a purpose, and a solution to every situation we face. He is our fortress, our refuge...our haven.

"He will take great delight in you"... Wow! How often do we stop and realize that He delights in us? If you have children or grandchildren, just think about how much delight they give you. They aren't always perfect, they don't always do things the way you think they should. But still, don't they just bring a smile to your face when you think of them? The definition of delight is "great rapture, joy". My children and my little granddaughter bring me joy. And when the Father looks at us it gives Him great  joy.

"He will quiet you with His love"...The Common English Bible says, "He will create calm with His love". How often do we find ourselves caught up in the chaos of our situations, and yet when we just spend time in His presence, we feel the calm, the peace of God saturate us. His love creates calm. 

"He rejoices over you with singing"... This was what started the whole thought process this morning. Last night as we were singing to Him, Geron spoke of the music, the song, the melody, being pleasing to God. The chorus from his song was...

Let my song bring hope
Let my song bring peace
Let it's melody be pleasing
As it rising to Your throne
And may Your name be glorified
With my song.

That was the purpose of our song. And yet this morning I read "He rejoices over  you with singing." God sings over us. Makes me wonder if in those times of chaos that bring us to Him, does He sing to us? Kind of a lullaby brings a peace and a calm to us in the midst of our storm. 

No matter your circumstances today, no matter your storm, stop for just a moment, listen carefully and you'll hear Him sing over you.


1 comment:

Head Cookie said...

Thank you so much for this Lena. I needed this post today. *hugs*