Thursday, October 28, 2010


"To the faithful you show Yourself faithful..."
Psalm 18:25

Once a month we try to go out to eat somewhere, as the budget allows. Last Saturday afternoon my husband and I took our two youngest children out for an early dinner. As we left the restaurant, we passed by Wight's Nursery. Out front was a sign that said, "Come In and See Our Fall Colors". So, since it was a windy, stormy autumn afternoon, we thought it seemed an appropriate thing to do. Much to our surprise, as we entered the front doors, all of the "autumn colors" had been relegated to a corner and Christmas was going up!

For those of you who do not live in the Seattle area,  Wight's Nursery is a garden nursery that sells plants of all kinds, indoor and outdoor, and anything and everything you could possibly think of needing for your garden or patio. And every year for Christmas they put up dozens and dozens of Christmas trees decorated in all styles. It's truly a Winter Wonderland! All the lights and decorations are for sale, even right off the trees. It has become a wonderful Christmas tradition for us  each year to go and pick out an ornament, one per family member, for our tree. However, we were very surprised to see Christmas set up so early this year! But as we wandered around, we began to get in the spirit of things.

Another tradition that my youngest son, Mackenzie, and I have started is to pick a "Christmas word". Last year it was HOPE; the year before that it was BELIEVE. We try to find an ornament or decoration of some kind with that word on it. As we wandered about Wight's, we started looking for our "word". There were lots of JOY and PEACE. But we were looking for something different...something that fit our lives the past year.

As we rounded a corner, I saw a snowman made out of Styrofoam balls holding a little sign that said, FAITH. That one caught my attention, because this has definitely been a year to live and walk by faith. But honestly, it was kinda ugly! So, we kept looking. But, I began to ponder....


Mark and I have had to stand in faith and believe God for some huge things this year. Each week, I pray with women who are facing giants! Financial issues, health issues, family crisis, grieving the loss of loved ones, waiting for those prodigal children to return. These and so many more situations we face are ones that could destroy us.....if we do not stand on faith. Isaiah 7:9 says,

"If you do not stand firm in your faith
you will not stand at all."

This is one of my favorite verses of scripture. God is telling us that faith is our sure foundation. When the uncertainties, the fears, the anxieties...the health issues, the bills, the  failed relationship...when all those things that can shake us do just that - we have to stand on our faith!  Or we will fall.

But comes through for us.....

Back in August, I put  my 18 year old son on an airplane to Cleveland, Tennessee, headed off for his first year of college. When he left on that Wednesday, we needed $8000 for the rest of his tuition....$4000 per semester! I had NO IDEA where that money was coming from. But, we took a step of faith and sent him on his way. Two days later, on Friday,  he registered for classes and headed off to the business office to find out how much we needed to pay. His bill came to $400 per semester!! That's 1/10 of the total we needed. I don't know where the extra funding came from but I DO know....All things are possible, if we believe (Matthew 19:26).  

Last Saturday, as I continued to wander around Wight's, I came upon a beautifully decorated tree. As I admired it and studied the ornaments on the tree, right in front of  me was a simple ornament of white wood and written in red it said, "Faith". It was perfect! I had already decided that my tree would be decorated in red this year...and here was the perfect ornament. I picked it up and searched the store for Mackenzie...we had found our first ornament for 2010.

No matter your circumstances, no matter your can rest in the faithfulness of your God. He will never leave you, forsake you, abandon you or ignore you. Jesus said, "According to your faith will it be done to you" (Matthew 9:29). So stand in your faith, and I will agree and stand with you. And we will see God do great and mighty things.....

And, let me be the first to wish  you.....
Merry Christmas!!


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sweet Tea.....

I just wanted to take a moment to send out a message to all of you. I'm hoping to place an order for my book, "Sweet Tea: Finding Divine Goodness in an Ordinary Life" next week. You can pre-order yours today for $10!! I've been told they make great gifts for birthdays/Christmas, etc...... (I'll ship it to you for an additional $2 per book.)

For any of my new readers....last spring I wrote a book based on prior posts on my blog. I sold out the first printing and I am going to a Second Edition printing.  If you are interested in purchasing a book, please email me at and I will send you an address to which you can send your check or money order.

Thank you all for your encouragement and support. And I pray God blesses you all immensely today!


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Haven of Rest....

"He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed.They were glad when it grew calm, and he guided them to their desired haven"
Psalm 107:30-31

Tuesday night in prayer meeting, Pastor was asking us how we knew we were in the Presence of God. My mind and heart began to travel as it so often does.  I began with his original question, and my first thought was, "I have known His peace in horrific, terrifying and uncertain circumstances." Remembering that peace and how I felt in those times, reminded me of an old hymn we used to sing when I was a child...

I’ve anchored my soul 
in the “Haven of Rest,”
I’ll sail the wide seas no more;
The tempest may sweep 

o'er the wild, stormy, deep,
In Jesus I’m safe evermore.

A haven is defined as "a place of safety or sanctuary; shelter, refuge." Jesus is  my refuge, my safe place. The rock that I anchor myself to when the storms of life assail. Jesus is my comfort, my support; He surrounds me and protects me. And at times, He wraps His arms around me and holds me....and lets me know that I am safe. 

How precious the thought 
that we all may recline,
Like John, the beloved so blest,
On Jesus’ strong arm, 
where no tempest can harm,
Secure in the “Haven of Rest.”
Henry L. Gilmour, pub. 1890, Public Domain   

Jesus is my Haven of Rest...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

No Time For Excuses....

Jesus and his disciples went on to the villages around Caesarea Philippi. On the way he asked them, 
"Who do people say I am?"
Mark 8:27

It's been a while since I have written anything. No reason, really...mostly just excuses. You see, school started and our daily schedule shifted. My laptop died and I hate sitting down here in the office at a desk. I'd rather sit on my couch in the dark, quiet of my living room. So, I stopped. 

However, it's time to put away the excuses ... but, where do I go from here? I have spent the last year studying and remembering who God is and how He shows up in my "ordinary" life. And I know I have not even begun to tap into all the He is. 

God is Father
God is Creator
God is Holy
God is Almighty
God is All-Sufficient
God is....

When I think of God, I think of all the hugeness and might that He is. The majesty, the Kingship, the things that can make us feel like He is unapproachable. But what do we think of when we consider Jesus? We know that the three, God - the Father, God - the Son, and God - the Holy Spirit are one, yet they are each separate. So what comes to mind when we think of Jesus? Let's explore this a bit...give me your thoughts and ideas. And we'll take this journey down a new path.

Who is Jesus to you?