Friday, February 26, 2010

Holy and Pleasing...

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God...this is your spiritual act of worship." 
Romans 12:1
He is ever present...
We don't have to go look for Him.
We don't have to go meet Him.
He is here with us.
We have access to HIm
Only the high priest could enter
The Holy of Holies...
Behind the veil...
The place where God dwelt...
The holiest of Holy places...
Common man was not holy
He could not enter in.
But then...Jesus.
God became a man...Jesus.
Man rejected God...Jesus
The sacrifice was made...Jesus
Darkness fell...
The earth shook...
The veil was torn...
Death lost....
Justice met grace.
Because of grace
I am forgiven
Because of grace
I can forgive
Because of grace
I have a future
Because of grace
I have ... 
The veil is gone
The ultimate sacrifice made
The sin that separated
God from man
Has been covered
By the Blood..
The blood of Jesus.
As He is holy,
I am called to be holy.
Because without holiness
No one will see God.
The challenge...
In a sinful world
How to be holy.
Trade my will...
For His will.
Sacrifice my pride...
For His humility.
Only those with...
Clean hands
Pure heart
May stand
In the Holy Place.
The Hope
We are not alone.
He is ever present.
His Spirit dwells in us
Love, Joy, Peace
Patience, Kindness
Goodness, Gentleness,
Holiness, what I long for.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't grace amazing? Thank you, Lena, you broke it down so beautifully!